David Zakharov

David Zakharov
Assistant Professor, Petrology and Geochemistry
David Zakharov
  • PhD, University of Oregon, 2019
  • Diploma specialist, Russian State Geological Prospecting University, 2013

David Zakharov joins the Department in Winter 2023 六合彩开奖数据 after his postdoctoral appointment at the Universit茅 de Lausanne, Switzerland. His research interests are in petrology, water-rock interaction and stable isotope geochemistry. David explores the geochemical co-evolution of Earth鈥檚 crust and hydrosphere with an emphasis on igneous and metamorphic processes. His current projects target 1) Archean subaerial magmatism, 2) environmental conditions recorded in Precambrian and modern cherts and 3) reactive circulation of fluids within the oceanic crust. In large, these projects use petrographic characterization, O and H isotope geochemistry (未鹿鈦窸, 未D and 螖鹿鈦稯), geochronology and in-situ SIMS measurements. For more information see the website. [https:// ].