Fund 41 Integrated Planning and Budgeting Group

The Fund 41 IPB Group is a collective cross departmental planning group that integrates institutional goals with key strategic initiatives. The group plans, leads and tracks performance indicators through continuous assessment and evaluation. Information and data is collected, reviewed and utilized in decision-making to continually improve the student experience.

Overarching Vision graphic for Fund 41
Fund 41 (F41) group members represent the Bernhard Center, Dining Services and Residence Life along with centralized support services including finance and infrastructure, business operations, marketing, technology and facilities. All operations are structured within one fund, which means that bottom lines are combined and resource decisions are made together to align planning with that of the division and University.

Utilizing an Integrated Planning and Budgeting (IPB) philosophy, the group captures synergies and leverages efficiencies by combining planning and budgeting as a single process. The resource management and planning process influences everyday decisions and actions by defining success and focusing on accountability in lieu of control. The Fund 41 IPB model allows for focus on the 鈥渂ig picture.鈥

Fund 41 IPB provides:

  1. Oneness in responsibility and accountability at the source of revenue generation
  2. Team decisions that are made comprehensively and closest to the student
  3. Budget and financial planning decisions that are simplified by reducing layers of institutional involvement

As a public institution, a commitment to adding value while containing costs is integral to student success. The Residence Life, Dining Services and Bernhard Center operations at WMU do not receive tuition revenue or state funds.

The overall success of this structure requires constant planning to assess the environment and implement strategies for change integrated with responsive financial planning, forward thinking and allows for planned or unplanned adjustment of resources when needed.

For more information about Fund 41 IPB planning visit