Virtual Study Abroad Curriculum Development Grant

The Virtual Study Abroad Curriculum Development Grant (VSACDG) supports faculty in developing and implementing a WMU faculty-led virtual study abroad program during an academic semester or summer term.



The Virtual Study Abroad Curriculum Development Grant (VSACDG) supports faculty who develop and implement undergraduate and graduate HIGE faculty-led virtual study abroad programs during fall, spring, summer I and summer II.

Recipients receive $2000 for submitting a successful proposal and after they work with WMU SA to create a brochure page in Broncos Abroad that lists the course.


Faculty members of the bargaining unit. Funding is available through Article 40.4 of the WMU-AAUP Contract. 

Time Frame

Application Deadlines

  • November 1: For faculty offering programs during upcoming summer I, summer II or later
  • February 15: For faculty offering programs during May, summer, fall, or the following spring or later

Applications Reviewed: Same month as application due date

Applicants Informed: 30 days after application deadline

First Grant Payment: $750 for submitting successful application

Second Grant Payment: $1250 when the brochure page for the new study abroad program is listed in Broncos Abroad and the course/program is advertised and scheduled to run


 Download Application 


Dr. Jessica Gladden, School of Social Work, College of Health and Human Services. Proposal: "Culture and Human Services in New Zealand." Awarded Fall 2020. 

Dr. Shannon McMorrow, School of Interdisciplinary Health Programs, College of Health and Human Services. Proposal:  "Public Health and Culture in Belize" Awarded Fall 2020. 

Dr. Timothy Palmer, Management and Director of the Center for Sustainable Business Practices, Hayworth College of Business. Proposal: "Sustainability in India: Virtual Study Abroad." Awarded Fall 2020. 

Dr. D. Eric Archer, Educational Leadership in Higher Education, College of Education and Human Development. Proposal: "Global Leadership and Social Change in Yemen." Awarded Spring 2021.

Dr. Sangwoo Lee, Exercise Science, Human Performance and Health Education, College of Education and Human Development, and Dr. Yuanlong Liu, Research, Measurement and Evaluation, Human Performance and Health Education, College of Education and Human Development. Joint Proposal: "Education and Health in China and Korea." Awarded Spring 2021.

Dr. Zeljka Vidic, Coaching Sport Performance, Human Performance and Health Education, College of Education and Human Development. Proposal: "Discover Croatia and Venice, Italy." Awarded Spring 2021.

Dr. Xiaojun Wang, Chinese, World Languages and Literatures, College of Arts and Sciences. Proposal: Interactive Studies of Language and Culture in China." Awarded Spring 2021.