Project Startup

Projects begin with proposal budgeting and the proposal approval form,  system through the Office of Research and Innovation.

Budgeting actuals categories for grants

Cost Share Requests  

Preaward accounts see Prior Approval section

Rate Schedules

Types of external funding

Unallowable Costs-Reasonableness Doctrine

Once an award document is received Grants and Contracts assigns a unique account number to the project, establishes an account and spending may begin. This account number is used when requesting on-campus services, completing vouchers, placing orders, etc. Hiring personnel on a grant follows WMU Human Resources hiring policies and should be initiated by the departments. Grant employees have terminal positions and must have a termination date no later than the termination date of the sponsored project.  


Pre Award Contact
Research Program Officer in Office of Research and Innovation

Post Award Contact
Research Fund Accountant in Grants & Contracts