Continuing Education

The College of Health and Human Services offers continuing education programs on evidence-based practices and emerging health issues relevant to health care and human service professionals.

Often these programs are led by our own faculty, leading sessions in topics in which they are expert practitioners. But we also partner with outside organizations to provide training that is relevant to the disciplines we serve - including our instructors and alumni.

We hope to provide quality CE programming that helps practitioners grow as professionals and meet CE requirements related to professional licensing.

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Live (Virtual and In-Person) Training

September 26, 2024

Cannabis Use and Cannabis Use Disorders in Adolescents and Adults

Noon to 1 p.m.
Presented by: Dr. Jennifer Harrison, LMSW, CAADC, Professor, WMU School of Social Work, Co-Principal Investigator, I-PEER
Health providers are increasingly interacting with patients who use cannabis and those who have a cannabis use disorder. These same health practitioners need effective assessment and ways to address harmful cannabis use. Given that these drugs are legal in many states and have medical uses, they can easily be abused. Understanding the use and misuse of cannabis and opioids as our new legal drugs is critical given the complexity of substance use disorders which often co-occur with mental health and physical disorders.

October 5, 2024

Experiential Activities Developed to Help Enhance the Holistic Methods of Substance Abuse Treatment 

9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 
Presented by: Allen Ramsey, LLMSW, CAADC, I-PEER 
This three hour long presentation is designed to assist individuals working in the field of substance abuse recovery to be able to utilize experiential activities to better deliver the message of recovery to the specific populations they work with. Practice based exercises will be demonstrated which are specifically designed to help defeat negative self narrative, disarm positive feedback loops (obsessive thoughts), dispel isolation mythologies, solicit emotional responsibility, and to nurture novel perspectives as they relate to healing. Participants will be encouraged to find ways to personalize said exercises.

October 25, 2024

Using Problem-Based Learning to Explore Refugee Post-Resettlement Trauma in Children

9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Presented by: Jessica Gladden, LMSW, PhD. 
This course will begin by exploring the basics of refugee resettlement in the United States. Then, problem-based learning will be explored as a method to break down individual refugee cases involving trauma. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network's Core Curriculum on Childhood Trauma's problem-based learning system allows clinicians to consider new avenues of case presentations. The 12 Core Concepts of Childhood Trauma will be discussed and applied to one specific case involving a refugee child.

November 8, 2024

Working with LGBTQ+ Youth and Young People

9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Presented by: Dr. Melinda McCormick
This course aims to inform practitioners and human services providers about the LGBTQ+ population, particularly young persons. These young people have multiple marginalized identities and are impacted by how society and their families of origin or foster families treat them based upon these identities. Information on changing identity categories and changing numbers of young persons claiming these identities will be shared. Additionally, cultural myths that may interfere with treatment will be shared and best practices for the population will be highlighted. Considerations for agencies and cultural competency/humility will also be shared.

Self-Paced Asynchronous Training

There are currently not any classes offered. Check back frequently.