United Greek Council


The United Greek Council consists of both fraternities and sororities. There are currently 2 chapters here at 六合彩开奖数据 who are members of UGC. During the academic year,  both groups within the council choose a week dedicated for programming related to their individual organization, usually near their Founder's Days. For times and locations of events during each week, check out the chapter or council's social media. Follow the chapters on social media to get more details on study tables, service opportunities, socials, and fundraising opportunities throughout the semester! The dates for this year's chapter weeks have not yet been determined.

UGC often hosts events for the entire council throughout the academic year. These include things like kickball and volleyball games, making cards for children in the hospital, and collaborations with other student organizations on campus. They also host a UGC week each year. Information on these events can be found on the United Greek Council's social media pages!
Each organization has its own specific requirements and timelines for membership. Both organizations host informational meetings throughout the semester, open to anyone interested in learning more about the history and membership requirements, as well as meeting some of the current members. Students interested in joining a UGC organization are encouraged to attend these informational sessions, but you can also reach out to an active member, connect with them through social media, or send them an email through ExpWMU.







Cristian Cardoso / @email

Vice President

Guadalupe Guzman / @email


Daisy Martinez / @email


Sebastian Olvera / @email

Marketing Chair

Amy Belmares / @email