Getting Started

If you are new to the CMS, this page will teach you the basics of creating and editing content, using your dashboard and moderating content.  It should serve as a starting point before further exploring the CMS User Guide.

Logging into the CMS

Begin by logging into the CMS at /user using your BroncoNetID and password.  While logged into the CMS you will see a black and gray administrative toolbar at the top of the screen, as pictured below.

screenshot of the administrative toolbar at the top of a page while logged into the CMS

Creating content

To create new content, click on the Add content link in the toolbar.  Visit the Section Content and Shared Content pages in this guide to learn more about the different types of content that can be created.

Using the dashboard

You can use the dashboard to view a list of:

  • content that you have flagged for your worklist

  • drafts of content that you have access to

  • other users that have access to your sections and what roles they have

  • all of the content in your sections

Go to the dashboard by clicking the Dashboard link in the toolbar at the top of the screen when you are logged into the CMS.  You will see tabs across the top of the page on the right side of the page, as pictured below.

screenshot of the dashboard tabs

Most of the tabs list content which can be filtered by the content type, section, title or author using the dropdown list or textboxes that appear above the lists of content.  Clicking on the title of listed content will take you to that page.  In the last column of the table of content, you will find Operations links that can be used to add or remove an item from your worklist, edit the item or view its revision history.

screenshot of dashboard filters and content

My worklist

To more easily find the content of importance to you, you can add items to your worklist (like a favorites or bookmarks list) which will then be listed in the My Worklist tab.  As pictured below, when viewing content while logged into the CMS, you will see a My Worklist button toward the top of the page that can be toggled to add or remove items from your worklist.

screenshot of the my worklist button


When anyone adds new content or edits existing content and then clicks the save button at the bottom of the page, they will have saved a draft of their content.  The Drafts tab will list all of the saved drafts for the content in the section(s) you have access to.  They will remain visible on the Drafts tab until the draft's moderation state has been changed.


 The Roles tab allows you to select one of your sections to view the list of users with access to the section grouped by their assigned roles.


All content

The All content tab simply lists all of the content in the sections you have access to.  As mentioned above, the content on this tab can be filtered by type, section, title or author and the links in the table of available content can be used to view the content, add or remove it from your worklist, edit the content or view its revision history.

Editing existing content

You can find the content you want to edit in your dashboard and simply click the edit link for the content found there, but you can also edit content by first navigating to the page you would like to edit.  There you will find toward the top of the page, a New draft link if there is no draft for the page in progress or an Edit draft link if there is an existing draft for the page.  Either of these links will allow you to edit a page in the same way the edit link on your dashboard does.

screenshot of new draft link

screenshot of edit draft link


When a draft is ready to be published, an author should view their draft, Set moderation state to Needs Review and click on the Apply button.  The author should then notify a publisher that they have set their page to Needs Review.  Use the Roles tab in your dashboard to determine who the publishers in your section are.

screenshot of draft to needs review moderation

If you are also a publisher, you can make a revision live by viewing the draft, Set the moderation state to Published and click the Apply button.

screenshot of moderating to published